Friday, April 17, 2009

WAR is over, I can now enjoy my weekend

Palin enjoyed a triple smack-down Thursday, and I must say two of those was something of a relief.

One, in particular, was a great relief, and that of course, was the vote by the Alaska legislature to reject the confirmation of the Palin AG appointmee Wayne Anthony Ross. Anti-subsistence, anti-Native sovereignty, anti-gay Ross was shot down in a 35-23 vote. All democrats and many republicans voted against Ross, and many cited his strange statement recently that lawmakers shouldn't be worrying about "legal or illegal" when confirming Palin's senatorial appointment and just do it as a reason for their final vote.

Palin's reaction was fairly predictable about disappointment, and lawmakers doing it for "petty" reasons - like not wanting a guy who thinks gay people are degenerates and aligns with the governor no matter what being petty, I suppose. But she also called the nay voters hypocrites.

She cites the hypocrisy based off the of positive citation the legislature voted to give Ross on his 65th birthday, then voting him down now, as the hypocrisy.

Uh... two things here guv.

First - annointing someone as attorney general of the state and essentially giving him a birthday card are two pretty different things. I would HOPE there would be much more scrutination here.

Second - that's VERY pot calling the kettle black. Palin publicly praised Walt Monegan for his service and efforts just a few months before firing him.

The other two events also involve rejection of Palin appointees. The first is Palin's second (and fourth?) "appointment" to the open senate seat, Joe Nelson. He withdrew his name for the job, and was not too happy about it in his letter.

The final was the rejection of Palin's board of fisheries appointment Brent Johnson. I was gratified to see that it was not only the imbalance of the commercial fishing to sport fishing board members that made the legislators vote it down, but they also cited the lack of Alaska Native representation.

This lack has been an issue since Palin began, and I'm glad to see the legislative body recognizing it, and doing something about it.

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